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Letzter Eintrag 13 Jun 2004 10:38 von Theo. 8 Antworten.
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irishmarsuBenutzer ist Offline
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06 Mrz 2004 09:33
    Na, dann mach ich mal den Anfang und gebe Euch mal meine Schul-Englisch-Rechnungsmail preis *wehedemderlacht*

    , %DATUM%

    Hi, %EBAYNAME%,

    Thank you for bidding on my auction %AUKTIONSNR1% ( = X

    Shipping and handling costs will be X EUR (insured delivery, sea).

    Total amount: %GESAMTBETRAG%

    I would highly appreciate a wire transfer (bank to bank transfer)
    to my bank account.
    Here we go with the bank details:

    Acount number %KONTO%
    Bank code (BLZ) %BLZ%
    Acount holder:
    Address of the Bank : %BANK%

    my address: XXX

    Please make sure to proceed a OUR Payment (dutyfree transaction, you
    will have to be responsible for all bank fees)

    But of course you can also send the money cash in a registered letter
    (If you wish to pay in your own currency, please add to cover the
    exchange fees my bank charges....If you send Euro notes, please round up to the next five. I will send the change (as Euro coins) with the item).

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

    AndiBenutzer ist Offline
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    10 Mrz 2004 05:10
    na dann werde ich mal meine Englische Rechnung vorstellen.
    Hat bis jetzt keiner geschrieben, das er es nicht kapiert hat.

    %LKZ%-%PLZ% %ORT%

    Mein Wohnort, %DATUM%

    Hello %NAME1% %NAME2%,

    Congratulations on the winning of the ebay Auction

    I would kindly ask you to send the following sum %GESAMTBETRAG% Euro for


    Please request transmitting it the total amount of %GESAMTBETRAG% Euro
    in a Postal letter to the following address:

    ( Meine Adresse steht hier )

    or you can pay the total amount of %GESAMTBETRAG% Euro by PayPal.
    The registred adress by PayPal will I send after the shipment calculation.

    I´ll send out your goods immediately after the receipent of
    the above mentioned sum.

    Plaese you request transmitting to me, your address thereby I a calculation to create .

    Have a nice day!

    ---> Irgendwie fällt mir nichts Vernünftiges ein <---

    bernd-symonsBenutzer ist Offline
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    12 Mrz 2004 07:35
    Nicht böse sein - aber man darf gerade in diesem Thread nicht so etwas ungeprüft in Formularform veröffentlichen. Das ist verantwortungslos, denn neben Schulenglisch und "Schuldenglisch" gibt es genügend Buddysten, die gar kein Englisch können. Die kupfern das dann inkl. aller Platzhalter ab und blamieren sich und die Gilde.

    Deshalb sage ich auch ausdrücklich, daß auch meine Vorlage nicht fehlerfrei ist. Es ist aber nur fair, daß ich mich hier den Krähen stelle, nachdem ich so gelästert habe. Zumindest so lange, bis "die Iren kommen".

    %NAME1% ..................... USt-ID-No. DE 120562477
    %LKZ%-%PLZ% %ORT%

    D-47799 Krefeld, Invoice No. %RECHNR% for %EBAYNAME% of %DATUM%

    Hello %NAME1% %NAME2%,

    Three ... Two ... One ... Yours! Congratulation - you won my ebay Auction!

    I kindly ask you to send the Total %GESAMTBETRAG% Euro according to:


    by Registered Letter to my address given below

    Postal Address:

    To Bernd Symons
    Oppumer Str. 48
    D-47799 Krefeld

    - or to my bank account:

    Account owner: %KONTOINHABER%
    Bank: %BANK%
    BLZ: %BLZ%
    Account no.: %KONTO%
    IBAN: DE81 3007 0024 0957 2850 00
    or via
    [URL][/URL] to
    (Real-time-payments at fees of max. 0,50 EUR)

    Please, add your ebay name and my Invoice no. %RECHNR% to the money transfer annotations

    Your goods will be shipped immediately after receipt of
    the above mentioned sum. Feedback will be placed right after yours!

    Have a nice day!
    Gruss von

    Kerala Discovery Indienreisen anders & Indienkunst-Shop
    neele007Benutzer ist Offline
    Neele, das bin ich. Miaauuu! ;))
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    07 Mai 2004 09:32
    Hallo, Leute,

    endlich kann ich auch meine Ergüsse zum Besten geben:

    Ebay auction shipping confirmation: %AUKTIONSNR1%

    Hello, %NAME1%,

    you payment has been lodged to my account today.
    The following articles with invoice number %RECHNR% will be sent to you in the next few days:


    Normally you should receive the shipment within 5 - 7 working days at the following address:

    %NAME1% %NAME2%
    %PLZ% %ORT%

    Please let me know if the goods have not arrived within 10 working days.

    If everything is to your satisfaction, please don't forget the review feedback. If something is not to your satisfaction - which thankfully is very seldom - please contact me before negative feedback to ebay.

    I will post my feedback as soon as you have posted yours.

    Best regards,

    alias neele007


    Bis denne,




    aus dem schönen Bonn am Rhein
    neele007Benutzer ist Offline
    Neele, das bin ich. Miaauuu! ;))
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    07 Mai 2004 09:34

    Winning Ebay-Auction - My Invoice No %AUKTIONSNR1%


    First name, Name
    %LKZ%-Postal Code Town/City

    Bonn, %DATUM%

    Hello first name,

    congratulations on winning the eBay auction.

    I would ask you to do the following so that I can send you the goods as soon as possible,

    1. please complete the delivery address

    First name Name
    %LKZ%-Postal Code Town/City

    (eBay only supplies the email address and not the postal address when the auction has been won by someone outside the country),

    2. and send the following sum Euro %GESAMTBETRAG% for


    stating your eBay name and invoice number %RECHNR% to the following bank account:

    Account owner: %KONTOINHABER%
    Bank: %BANK%
    Clearing code: %BLZ%
    Account no.: %KONTO%
    SWIFT: xxxxx
    IBAN: xxxxxxxxxxx

    Please, don´t forget to mention your ebay name and the invoice no. in the bank
    transfer. I´ll send your goods immediately after the receipe of the above mentioned sum.

    Have a nice day!


    alias neele007


    Bis denne,




    aus dem schönen Bonn am Rhein
    neele007Benutzer ist Offline
    Neele, das bin ich. Miaauuu! ;))
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    07 Mai 2004 09:36
    1. Mahnung:
    1st reminder concerning eBay auction - my invoice number

    Hello, %NAME1%,

    unfortunately I have not yet received your bank transfer within 10 days of the date of my invoice.

    To ensure that I can send you the goods which you have bid for in the auction, please transfer %GESAMTBETRAG% Euro to my account for the following items:


    Please state the invoice number %RECHNR% :

    Account holder: %KONTOINHABER%
    Bank: %BANK%
    Sorting code: %BLZ%
    Account No.: %KONTO%
    SWIFT: xxxxxxx
    IBAN: xxxxxxxxx
    Purpose for transaction: %RECHNR%, %EBAYNAME%

    I will send you the goods as soon as the money has been paid into my account!

    Best regards,

    alias neele007


    Bis denne,




    aus dem schönen Bonn am Rhein
    neele007Benutzer ist Offline
    Neele, das bin ich. Miaauuu! ;))
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    07 Mai 2004 09:37

    2. Mahnung:
    Final reminder concerning eBay auction - my invoice number

    Hello, %NAME1%,

    As you have not yet responded to my 1st reminder, please note that should the payment not be credited to my account within the next 7 days, I will be forced to contact eBay concerning the matter.

    With your highest bid offer you have entered a legally binding contract to purchase the article/articles.

    Please transfer the sum of Euro %GESAMTBETRAG% IMMEDIATELY to my account:


    State the invoice number %RECHNR%:

    Account holder: %KONTOINHABER%
    Bank: %BANK%
    Sorting code: %BLZ%
    Account No.: %KONTO%
    SWIFT: xxxxx
    IBAN: xxxxxxxx
    Purpose for transaction: %RECHNR%, %EBAYNAME%

    Best regards,

    alias neele007

    Bis denne,




    aus dem schönen Bonn am Rhein
    neele007Benutzer ist Offline
    Neele, das bin ich. Miaauuu! ;))
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    07 Mai 2004 09:39
    Review feedback forgotten

    Hello, %EBAYNAME%,

    Unfortunately, I have not yet received any feedback for the auction:

    Simply click on the following link :
    to give me your feedback

    Best regards,

    alias neele007

    So, das war es.

    Bis denne,




    aus dem schönen Bonn am Rhein
    TheoBenutzer ist Offline
    Ich fing als Kind an
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    13 Jun 2004 10:38
    Hier ist noch eine Version for se gollegcion. Die ist etwas lang und derzeit noch nicht ganz optimiert. Bisher hat sie immer gut funktioniert.Holt euch da raus was euch nützlich erscheint. Here we go

    %LKZ%-%PLZ% %ORT%

    <<>>, %DATUM% receipt# %RECHNR%

    Congrats %NAME1% %NAME2%, you're the winning bidder on this E-Bay
    auction % AUKTIONSNR1%

    Please note my shipping policy.
    All items are generally billed for the safest (insured) way of shipping. This way your item receives a tracking number, plus a receipt will be handed out to me. The receipt serves you and me as a prove that the merchandize has been sent out correctly and it helps to investigate in case of loss of the merchandize during the shipping process. However this is not always the cheapest way to ship merchandize. You may chose an other more economical way to ship your items if the package weight does not exceed the weight limit of 2 Kg. If you decide to do so, you'll have to accept my shipping policy which excludes any responsibility from my side in the evt. case of lost items during the shipping. If you chose this less cost intense alternative "German Paeckchen" (max. 2 Kg) method, then you should know that I won't be able to prove that I have sent out your box. This is due to the German "Paeckchen" shipping policy which does not include a receipt or a tracking number for the sender. However the so called German "Päckchen" usually works pretty well and losses of merchandize are rare exceptions, but as with the "Paket" (insured plus paperwork) as well, losses can happen.
    If you chose the less expensive "Paeckchen" method you do accept the above terms which in short imply that all risks are on your side. Please read closely the additional directions at the end of this E-Mail..

    Here is a listing of two shipping options. The first run down is for the insured German "Paket", the second one lists the cost of the cheaper "Päckchen" method.

    German P.O. "Paket" (Max. weight limit: 20 Kg)


    Please pay the amount of ---%GESAMTBETRAG%---- total to my PayPal account. Payments with PayPal are without any additional costs on your side.
    If you prefer a money transfer to my bank account, additional bank transfer fees must be paid.

    If you wish to do so, please refer to the shipping costs of your preference and pay the item's correct total amount to the bank account listed below. Make sure to add all bank transfer fees on top. The transfer fees are all your fees and all the fees that due to the bank transfer's nature arise on my side.
    To meet these requirements make sure to discuss or ask about all the necessary steps with your bank representative before you make a payment. Ask about how to cover my bank transfer fees too. To do so consequently fill out or cross the referring check box in your bank transfer papers. With most banks this is most likely an obligate step when applying for paying the other side's fees too.
    Note that an incorrect payment will unfortunately result in a delayed shipping of your items. The items will only be shipped if the money transfer clears O.K. in my bank account.
    Again, no additional bank fees on my side are accepted. It's on your side to
    do all the necessary steps to find out about all the expected bank transfer fees for each side and to add this amount to the total amount listed in this bill.
    All sold items will be sent out on the same day the correct transfer shows in my account.
    Exceptions may arise in the case of weekends, holydays or in the case of incorrect bank transfer procedures.
    If you decide not to use PayPal, please pay all items to my German bank account:

    Account owner:.............................Theo xxxxx
    Name of Bank:..............................Berliner Volksbank
    Account #..................................xxxxx
    BIC (Bank Identifier Code):................BEVXXXXB
    IBAN (Intern. Bank Account Number).........DExxxxxxx

    To make things easier and speed up the process please fill in the
    following info into the money transfer annotations:

    Item description..........
    Your E-bay Name ...........%EBAYNAME%
    My invoice #.............%RECHNR%

    Here's your Bill if the German P.O. "Päckchen" method is chosen (max. weight limit: 2 Kg)


    Thank you for your understanding and for doing business with me.

    Best regards

    Theo xxxxxx
    Beste Grüsse
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